Oct 28, 2005

Voting One Into The Church (2)

Some commenting on my last post had never heard of voting one into the church, or voting one into the church by the Southern Baptist Church. I was hoping they were right and my experience was only an isolated event, but Google quickly made it apparent that this is a common practice among some churches.

A couple citations from churches requiring a vote for one to be accepted into their body:


"To be admitted into church membership, applicants shall be recommended by the elders for admission and accepted by vote of the members at any regular or special meeting of the members, and shall at that point relinquish their membership in other churches."


"A. Initial Membership Requirements - Any born again believer in the Lord Jesus, after being baptized by the scriptural mode of immersion, upon recommendation by the Advisory Council, may be received into the fellowship by a vote of the church at any regular church meeting. Any born again believer who has been immersed may, upon recommendation by the Advisory Council, be received by letter from another church of like faith and practice, or by confession of faith in Christ, by a vote of the church at a regular meeting."


Anonymous said...

I never doubted what you said, but as a life long attendee not member, of the Church of Christ, I myself had never heard of such a practice, this only tells you this is an earthly organization and has nothing to do with the true Church that Christ welcomes one into. I truly feel sorry for these ignorant people, may God bless them with a good heart and open mind, they truly need our love and pity.

Anonymous said...

As I read my previous comment I noticed where I said attendee not member and thought that might give the infrence that I am still not a member, I am and have been for quite some time, Thank Christ for accepting me into his Church.

Larry said...

After reading through the "church laws" in the citations quoted, I really appreciate just being a member of the Lord's church without any excess baggage.

No wonder the world is totally confused when they encounter these "churches" with their detailed laws and membership requirements.

Many souls will be lost because "churches" based on human tradition insist on pushing their laws and traditions down the throats of their "members," and in the process destroy their faith in God.

Anonymous said...

It just makes me sad.

Anonymous said...

As i read the first set of rules i wondered...

What does Jesus think of people renounce any membership to "any other church" except that local body...

Does Jesus then have to remove them from the Universal Church? Not too sure of the fules here on that one. Let me see if I can find it in the Bible somewhere...
